Amazing chickpeas benefits for maintain a mental health. - Nature's Treasures


Prevention is better than cure - natural plants help you live a healthy life.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Amazing chickpeas benefits for maintain a mental health.

Chickpea is one of the most popular types of legumes in most countries of the world, and it has many uses. It is eaten as a type of nut and is also added to many different food recipes, and it is also available as a flour. It is also possible to get fresh green chickpeas that are not peeled, but they are not widely available in the market.

Chickpeas, like other legumes, are rich in many essential nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, and others. These nutrients provide us with many benefits that the body needs, and these elements also provide a particularly positive effect in terms of maintaining mental health.

Eating chickpeas plays a big role in supporting mental health, as it contains a good proportion of choline, which plays a key role in supporting brain and nervous system functions, affecting mood, memory, learning abilities as well as muscle movement.

Choline also helps build cell membranes, reduce inflammation, and plays a role in the body's metabolic processes. According to some observational studies on nutrient intake, it has been observed that taking choline on a regular basis improves a person's cognitive performance.

The recommended daily amount of choline for adults is around 500 mg, and the amount varies depending on your gender as well as a breastfeeding or pregnant woman. In addition, chickpeas contain a good proportion of selenium, which supports mental abilities to think and memory, and cognitive decline in the elderly has been associated with a low level of selenium, so it is good for the elderly to eat chickpeas regularly.

In addition to many nutrients that contribute to supporting the health and functioning of all parts of the body, which undoubtedly reflects positively on mental and general health.

Dried chickpeas are usually kept in an airtight container and kept at room temperature. You can also store canned chickpeas in cupboards and use them before the expiration date. In addition, chickpea flour can be used in some food recipes, and this flour is characterized by containing half of the carbohydrates found in wheat flour, and it also contains a higher percentage of dietary fiber.

Chickpea flour can be used in many ways. It is considered a substitute for wheat flour for making baked goods, and it is also added to wheat flour to improve baked goods. You can also make various dishes such as vegetable fritters, sweet fritters, or pastries from chickpea flour.

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