Great cabbage benefits for support the body's immunity. - Nature's Treasures


Prevention is better than cure - natural plants help you live a healthy life.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Great cabbage benefits for support the body's immunity.

Cabbage is a very popular vegetable in many countries, It is a leafy vegetable with high nutritional value. This type includes broccoli and cauliflower. Cabbage varies in different types and shapes, it is available in flat, conical or cylindrical shape, and cabbage is available in white, green and red. Cabbage is a rich source of dietary fiber and an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.

So cabbage is a good addition to improve the diet because it provides the body with many important nutrients, in addition to its wonderful medicinal properties. Cabbage offers many benefits to the body, one of the most important of which is supporting the body's immunity and preventing cancer.

Eating cabbage regularly plays a major role in supporting the body’s immunity, as it is considered one of the best healthy foods, because it is one of the most dense foods in terms of nutrients that you can eat daily in moderate amounts. Cabbage contains a high percentage of powerful antioxidants and dietary fiber in addition to a high percentage of vitamin C, as each half cup of cooked cabbage contains approximately more than a third of your daily need of vitamin C.

These elements are very important in preventing infections, strengthening the body's immunity, fighting bacteria and germs that attack the body, and enhancing its ability to produce white blood cells to resist various diseases.

The role of cabbage does not stop there, it contains many nutrients that provide the body with many benefits and help control blood pressure and fight anemia and other health problems. Among the most important of these elements are beta-carotene, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, potassium, and magnesium, and it is also rich in amino acids, chlorophyll, carotene and a wide range of other nutrients.

Which greatly help prevent various health problems, and support the various organs of the body, and this in turn Helps support the immune system. Research has also shown that cabbage contains more than 30 different flavonoids and phenol compounds, which research has proven to be powerful antioxidants that support the body's immunity.

Therefore, it turns out that cabbage contributes to reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and other diseases due to these elements that it contains. Cabbage juice is one of the simplest ways to eat cabbage and here's how to prepare it. We bring a chopped amount of cabbage, then put it in a pot full of water, then put it on the fire to boil the cabbage.

After boiling, mix the mixture in a blender. Pour the juice into glasses and leave it overnight before using it. The juice should be filtered to get rid of large pieces before drinking. A number of ingredients can be added and mixed with this juice as desired, such as lemon, spinach, apple, coriander and citrus fruits.

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