Amazing myrtle herbs benefits for maintain women's health. - Nature's Treasures


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Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Amazing myrtle herbs benefits for maintain women's health.

Myrtle herbs can play a big role in reducing HPV infection in women. Papillomaviruses are any group of DNA viruses that cause the formation of papillomas or warts. A woman can use vaginal suppositories containing myrtle extract regularly and daily. This will help her treat this type of infection and relieve the symptoms that it may cause, such as itching, burning.

It should be noted that this type of infection may lead to other health problems, most notably cancer and genital warts, so it should be noted and treated. In most cases, the immune system eliminates the virus before it can form warts, but after warts form, they differ according to the type of virus that caused them and their location in the body. Therefore, the common symptom is the formation of warts, the symptoms of which differ according to the type of virus.

The aromatic substances in myrtle can help stimulate the work of the endocrine system, which controls the glands that secrete hormones or other substances directly into the blood. Which contributes to controlling many hormones in the body, such as regulating the activity and hormones of the thyroid gland and improving the levels of some important hormones for the health of the female reproductive system.

Myrtle herbs also help reduce abnormal menorrhagia, according to a study conducted on 50 women suffering from this problem, and this study was published in the DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2014. The study showed that drinking a drink containing myrtle daily for a period of time A week, starting from the first day of menstruation, may help reduce abnormal uterine bleeding and control menstruation.

Some scientific research has proven that myrtle extracts are effective against certain types of bacteria, as it was found that myrtle extract is effective against E. coli bacteria that produce beta-lactamase enzyme. It was also noted that myrtle oil is effective against H. pylori and tuberculosis-causing bacteria, due to the fact that it contains compounds such as limonene, cineole, alpha-papain and other powerful antioxidants.

Myrtle also contains myrtacin, which has an effective role in eliminating the bacteria that cause pimples, either alone or used with other treatments that are used to treat this problem. Therefore, the use of vaginal gel that contains metronidazole and myrtle herb plays a great role as an antibacterial and does not cause a relapse of the disease, unlike what happens when metronidazole is used without mixing it with other substances.

Diluted myrtle extract or oil is considered safe when applied to hair or skin or when used to treat vaginal problems in the form of vaginal suppositories. But make sure when using it for a short period of time that it did not cause any irritation or dryness and that your skin is suitable for the myrtle herb. It is best not to take the myrtle herb or its oil orally, especially pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as children.

It is forbidden to take myrtle oil orally because it contains chemicals that can cause low blood pressure, circulatory disorders, and other problems such as asthma-like attacks, and can also cause nausea, diarrhea, and digestive upsets. There are medicinal products containing the herb myrtle taken orally, but be sure to follow the instructions on the product labels well before use.

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