Wonderful bay leaves benefits for maintain a healthy skin. - Nature's Treasures


Prevention is better than cure - natural plants help you live a healthy life.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Wonderful bay leaves benefits for maintain a healthy skin.

Bay leaves play a major role in maintaining the health of the skin, so it is used in the preparation of many different cosmetics, especially soap. When exposing the face to the rising vapors of boiling water to which bay leaves are added, it obtains a great benefit, as bay leaves contribute to calming inflamed skin and moisturizing it, making it more healthy and fresh.

This is because bay leaves contain anti-fungal and antiseptic properties for the skin, in addition to powerful antioxidants that in turn help get rid of skin blemishes, and bay leaves also promote the health of oily skin by reducing the secretion of sebum in it. skin and get rid of damaged cells. This also contributes to cleansing the skin, ridding it of impurities and reducing the appearance of skin pores, due to the effective ability of bay leaves to clog pores.

Some research shows that bay leaf may help treat rashes that appear on the face and body. When using bay leaves on the affected areas, whether steam, oil, or tandoor, it helps greatly in treating allergies that cause rashes. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to bay leaves to help reduce and treat acne and scars it leaves on the skin, due to the antiseptic properties of bay leaves and lemon juice.

One of the wonderful benefits of bay leaves is also that it may help wounds heal faster than usual, because the natural composition of bay leaves contains substances that contribute to disinfecting wounds and reducing infections that may arise because of them. Bay leaves also contain properties that fight wound infection and bacterial growth, keeping the wound clean and speeding up healing.

Bay leaves are a versatile herb, used either fresh or dried, in addition to the oils extracted from them. Here are some examples to help you use bay leaves. You can add it, whether fresh or dried, to a lot of your favorite soup, plus it's great with rice. You can also add it to sauces to add a distinct aromatic flavor, and it is also used to improve the taste of many recipes.

It can also be added to perfumes, so you find in countries such as India that bay leaves are used as an essential ingredient in making incense and natural perfumes. A great way that has a lot of benefits is to add bay leaves with some ginger to a large cup of boiling water and leave it on the stove until the mixture mixes well and the amount of water decreases. Then filter the drink after that, and the drink can be sweetened with honey and drink it hot.

How to use bay leaves for healthy skin: There are many cosmetics and oils that include bay leaves that you can use to treat many skin problems. There is also a way to use raw bay leaves. This is done by placing a quantity of water on the fire and letting it boil, then adding the bay leaves to it and leaving it on a low heat for 10 minutes.

Then remove the water from the stove and allow it to cool to room temperature, then drain it and put it in a spray bottle. You can spray this toner on clean skin several times a day from wake up until evening. Repeat this process until you get healthy flawless skin.

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