Great bay leaves benefits for maintain a healthy hair. - Nature's Treasures


Prevention is better than cure - natural plants help you live a healthy life.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Great bay leaves benefits for maintain a healthy hair.

Bay leaves are considered one of the herbs spread in most countries of the world, where they are widely used in alternative medicine, as well as being a kind of spice that adds a wonderful flavor to food. Bay leaf trees are aromatic evergreen trees that are widely cultivated in the Mediterranean countries and East Asia.

Bay leaves have been used since ancient times and have many uses, as they are used in medicine, cooking, and the preparation of various perfumes and cosmetics. Bay leaves have a bitter taste, so it is forbidden to eat them directly, but they add a distinctive flavor to foods. Bay leaves contain many medicinal properties and nutrients that are of great benefit to the health and safety of the body.

People have used bay leaves since ancient centuries to treat many hair problems due to the many benefits it provides. One of the most common problems that many people suffer from is dandruff, and bay leaves can contribute to solving this problem, as it works to moisturize the scalp and get rid of bacteria and fungi that stimulate the appearance of dandruff, due to the antiseptic and antibacterial substances contained in the leaves Shame, it also helps reduce cell proliferation in the scalp that causes dandruff.

The problem of lice and nits is also one of the most embarrassing hair problems and causes a lot of inconvenience to people who suffer from it, and here comes the role of laurel leaves, and where some research indicated the ability and effectiveness of laurel oil extracted from its seeds to expel lice and nits by massaging the scalp with them.

Proper nutrition and providing the hair with the nutrients it needs is the cornerstone in building the health and vitality of the hair, whether it is food or through external use, and the hair follicles are always working to obtain the nutrients to support and strengthen it. Bay leaves contain many nutrients that help improve hair health and support and strengthen the follicles, reducing hair loss such as vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants.

Cleaning the hair, washing it well and perfuming it is one of the basic things that maintain the health of the hair, and the bay leaves are an effective solution in this regard, as the volatile oils in the bay leaves help to clean the hair and rid it of annoying plankton. It gives it a beautiful scent, and bay leaves also help moisturize the hair, improve its appearance, and protect it from continuous breakage and fall.

How to use bay leaves for healthy hair: The scalp is gently massaged with bay leaf oil to the ends of the hair, then the head is covered with a plastic cap and left for at least 4 hours, then washed with warm water, then the process is repeated two or three times a week. Bay leaf oil can be used after washing hair by applying a small amount to the ends of the hair to get rid of dryness and itching.

You can also use boiled bay leaves by filtering the water and letting it cool, then washing your hair in the normal way, then rinsing your hair with bay leaf water. You can also add bay leaf water to the shampoo used for washing head hair, repeat the method daily until you get the desired results.

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