Great cashew benefits for maintain a healthy pregnancy. - Nature's Treasures


Prevention is better than cure - natural plants help you live a healthy life.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Great cashew benefits for maintain a healthy pregnancy.

Doctors recommend pregnant women to eat nuts, especially cashews, because nuts are rich in vitamins and minerals important for the pregnant woman and the fetus, in addition to many nutrients that protect the pregnant woman from many health problems.

One of the most common problems is anemia that pregnant women suffer from a lot, and this problem occurs due to iron deficiency in the blood and this is due to the consumption of iron in a large proportion by the pregnant woman and the fetus due to the great need for it. Here comes the role of cashews, as they contain a high percentage of iron, so eating them during pregnancy helps a lot in getting rid of this health problem.

The role of iron is not only dependent on the treatment of anemia, but also plays a key role in the formation of hemoglobin in the body, which is very necessary during pregnancy. Iron also helps the oxygen-rich blood to reach all parts of the body in the best way, which helps all the organs of the body to function properly and thus the pregnant woman feels physically comfortable.

Cashews are also a source of powerful antioxidants such as flavonoids, copper, zinc, and selenium, in addition to B vitamins. Antioxidants work to strengthen immunity, prevent diseases, and maintain the health of the fetus.

In addition, cashews are a good source of protein and amino acids that are very necessary for the growth of the fetus. Cashews also contain healthy fats that supply the body with fatty acids that are important for fetal development, especially nerve and brain development.

Cashews also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that is broken down to produce niacin and serotonin, and these compounds help relieve anxiety and provide a sense of well-being, which is important for pregnant women. Cashews are also a good source of dietary fiber that helps the pregnant woman prevent digestive problems such as indigestion and constipation.

Cashews are usually available to the consumer after roasting, and they are eaten in this form or after salting, and cashews are also added to many food recipes. We also point out that raw cashews have similar benefits to roasted cashews, but eating raw cashews without any processing is completely unsafe.

as they contain a toxic compound known as urushiol, and eating this compound can cause skin problems for some people, and sometimes cashews are sold rawbut they are exposed steam, which removes toxic substances from it. Ground cashews are also available, and this type is mostly used in the manufacture of sweets and cakes.

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