Great nigella sativa benefits for support the body’s immunity. - Nature's Treasures


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Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Great nigella sativa benefits for support the body’s immunity.

Nigella sativa plays a major role in strengthening the immune system, which contributes to reducing the risk of infection, especially when suffering from respiratory diseases. The reason for this is that Nigella sativa contains many effective compounds that are necessary for the functioning of the immune system and protection of the body from infections, such as thymoquinone and other powerful antioxidants.

Therefore, clinical trials showed that Nigella sativa helps in strengthening immunity by increasing the rate of white blood cells in the body, reducing free radicals and fighting infections. And this is not a recent discovery, The benefits of the Nigella sativa have been discovered since ancient times. They were mentioned in ancient medical books, which considered the Nigella sativa distinctive in strengthening immunity.

Thymoquinone, one of the most important compounds in Nigella sativa, which has been proven by more than one different research study to be able to resist bacteria and fungi, even types that resist antibiotics, and has also been proven to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. All of these factors help The immune system is greatly affected.

Another scientific study also found that the use of Nigella sativa by children suffering from thalassemia helped to enhance the work of their immune system, which reduced the negative effects of this disease on the health of children. Thalassemia, a group of genetic hemolytic diseases caused by a defect in the synthesis of hemoglobin, widespread in the Mediterranean countries and Asia.

The most common way to eat nigella sativa is to boil the grains in water, such as tea, and then filter it into a drinking cup. Nigella sativa is also often added to various baked goods, and it is also possible to mix nigella with honey and take one tablespoon on an empty stomach daily.

Honey is also sold mixed with nigella in different markets. Nigella sativa can also be added to salads as a spice. Nigella sativa oil can also be added to food, or used in recipes for hair or skin.

When storing nigella sativa, you must keep it in a dry, not humid place at room temperature. It is also preferable not to grind the nigella seed except when used, because when it is crushed and left for a period before using it, it loses the volatile substances from it and thus loses many benefits.

How to make Nigella sativa tea: We grind a small amount of nigella seeds until they become soft. Then we boil a large cup of water and then reduce the fire, then add a tablespoon of ground Nigella sativa. It is also recommended to add a small spoon of anise or sage to improve the flavor, then cover the mixture for about 5 minutes and then filter it in a drinking cup, as it can be Add a teaspoon of honey to sweeten and drink hot.

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