Great carrot benefits for maintain eye health. - Nature's Treasures


Prevention is better than cure - natural plants help you live a healthy life.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Great carrot benefits for maintain eye health.

Carrots offer many benefits for the body, but they are especially important in terms of eye health, so it is common among people that carrots have the ability to improve eyesight, and for science, this saying is not just a myth, it is a fact.

This is due to the fact that carrots contain high concentrations of vitamin A, which is a key vitamin in protecting the eye from diseases in general, and protecting it from any damage that may cause blindness in particular. Therefore, a lack of vitamin A in the body may lead to dry eyes and night blindness, while too much vitamin A can cause headaches and dizziness, so it is preferable to eat carrots without excessive.

Carrots also contain beta-carotene, an important substance for maintaining eye health, as it protects the eyes from glaucoma and prevents cataracts. Carrots also contain lutein, an antioxidant that protects the eyes from harmful light.

Lutein is naturally found within the retina, so it is extremely important for clear and improved vision. A study also found that lutein availability was associated with a lower risk of macular degeneration, an eye disorder that may cause vision loss.

Carrots are also high in rhodopsin, a purple pigment that helps us see in low light. So with not enough of this substance, we may not be able to see very well at night, even with light or a full moon.

Carrots also contain vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the cells of the body, and when this vitamin decreases, the problem of oxidative damage occurs, which is a key factor in developing cataracts, so the body must maintain good levels of this vitamin.

In this regard, some scientific research has been conducted on the benefits of carrots for the eye, focusing on the effects of some antioxidants on eye health, including vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene. This research focused on people with age-related macular degeneration, a disease that removes detail and color in the center of vision, and letters and faces become blurred.

The research concluded that patients suffering from macular degeneration problems can benefit from antioxidant supplements, in which carrots are an essential component.

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