Amazing basil benefits for maintain a healthy kidneys. - Nature's Treasures


Prevention is better than cure - natural plants help you live a healthy life.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Amazing basil benefits for maintain a healthy kidneys.

Basil is a plant that has a great place in alternative medicine and is widely used as a kind of spice. Basil contains many nutrients and essential oils, so it offers many benefits to the body. When consuming basil sustainably, it plays a major role in maintaining kidney health, so you find that there are many researches that have concluded the importance of consuming basil in maintaining kidney health.

It said that basil contains nutrients and active organic compounds that contribute to revitalizing the kidneys and help break up stones and prevent their formation again, which contributes to maintaining the kidneys and making them work normally.

Kidney stones are formed as a result of the accumulation of a lot of salts and minerals in the kidneys, and they cause pain when they are formed, and the larger their size, the more severe the pain, and they cause renal colic and severe pain when urinating. Here comes the role of basil, as it contains a good percentage of acetic acid, an acid that contributes to improving kidney health, and works to break up stones and relieve the pain resulting from them.

The role of basil does not stop at breaking kidney stones only, but also helps prevent stones from forming primarily because Basil contains compounds that help control the level of uric acid, which helps greatly in reducing the formation of new kidney stones.

Basil also acts as a tonic for the kidneys and improves their function by aiding in diuresis, which helps flush out toxins and stones from the body. Basil also helps prevent some urinary problems that may be caused by kidney stones, such as polycystic kidney disease and cystitis. Excess uric acid in the body may cause some health problems that eating basil helps to resist, such as gout and kidney stones, as we mentioned.

When cooking fresh basil leaves, wash them in cold running water well to remove dirt and pesticide residues. It is best to add basil at the end of cooking to preserve its aroma and flavor, as prolonged cooking time causes it to evaporate and lose its essential oils.

Basil can also be taken as a drink like tea, Here is how to make basil tea: we get some basil leaves and boil a cup of water, put the basil in an empty cup, then pour boiling water on it and add sugar as desired. You can also make a cup of black tea as you like, then add some basil leaves and some sugar to it, then stir it well and drink it warm.

You can also prepare juice from basil leaves, then mix two tablespoons of it with a tablespoon of honey and eat this mixture daily, without excessive consumption, as this mixture greatly contributes to the prevention of kidney disease. If you do not want to use honey, you can eat two or three leaves of basil daily, or add it to salads and some recipes.

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