Amazing rosemary benefits for maintain a healthy digestive. - Nature's Treasures


Prevention is better than cure - natural plants help you live a healthy life.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Amazing rosemary benefits for maintain a healthy digestive.

Rosemary offers many health benefits for the digestive system, so you find that it has been used since advanced centuries as a treatment for digestive disorders, indigestion and constipation. Due to the fact that rosemary is an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agent, especially the bacteria that cause stomach ulcers, it helps reduce food poisoning and gastrointestinal infections.

This is because rosemary contains many powerful antioxidants, especially carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid, which have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties, which reduces the risk of colon infections. Rosemary also helps the colon to get rid of the side effects of some antibiotics, which may be abdominal pain, constipation, or other symptoms related to the colon.

Rosemary also helps improve digestion, as it contributes to enhancing the colon’s work in the treatment of indigestion by stimulating the secretion of bile juice from the liver, which is necessary for the digestion of fats and facilitating the transfer of food within the small intestine and then to the body.

Because of these benefits, the US Food and Drug Administration explained that using rosemary helps treat indigestion, improve food absorption, remove heartburn, improve the functioning of the liver, digestive system, and gallbladder, and reduce the formation and formation of kidney and bladder stones, by reducing the secretion of the enzyme that works to form these stones.

Some studies have shown that rosemary helps to resist the growth of cancer cells and prevents their proliferation, which contributes to stopping the growth of cancerous tumors and thus working to eliminate them. He explained that when rosemary is used alone or with curcumin, it protects against the spread of cancer cells in the colon.

This is due to the rosemary's containing many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements, some of which we mentioned above. If you want to benefit from rosemary in improving your digestive system, you can simply add this aromatic herb regularly to your favorite dishes. Rosemary helps add aroma and flavor to various dishes, sauces and soups. You can also drink one to three cups of rosemary tea daily, as it is a great option to relieve digestive disorders.

Rosemary tea is one of the wonderful drinks that has great benefits for your health, especially the digestive system. It helps remove heartburn and facilitate digestion. It is an effective remedy for respiratory infections. It also contributes to relieving cough and has a major role in combating Alzheimer’s disease and improving memory.

Here is how to prepare rosemary tea: All you have to do is bring water and rosemary, then put a cup of water in a pot on the fire until it boils. Then add a spoonful of rosemary leaves you can use it dried or fresh and then leave it on low heat for about 5 minutes. After that we filter the rosemary tea in a drinking cup from the leaves using a strainer and dispose of them, you can add some sugar or honey as you like, you can also add some rosemary leaves to your favorite herbal drink.

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