Great myrtle herbs benefits for maintain a healthy hair. - Nature's Treasures


Prevention is better than cure - natural plants help you live a healthy life.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Great myrtle herbs benefits for maintain a healthy hair.

Myrtle is an aromatic evergreen plant that grows in areas with high humidity. The white flowers and leaves are used in medicinal and ornamental recipes, while the seeds extracted from them after drying are used as a kind of spice in food. The myrtle herb is famously grown in South America, the Mediterranean region and the Middle East. Myrtle has been used for many purposes since the advanced centuries, and it has a special place in some ancient civilizations such as the Greek civilization, and some consider it one of the most widespread and used herbs over the years.

The myrtle plant has a variety of uses, While some use it as an ornamental plant or as an addition to some food dishes, it is also used in alternative and folk medicine, especially with the wonderful therapeutic benefits this plant has due to its richness in many effective compounds, which is especially important for healthy hair.

According to some recent studies, myrtle herb contains some compounds with an antibiotic-like effect, as well as anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, which helps cleanse the scalp and hair by preventing the accumulation of bacteria and fungi that cause scalp infections and dandruff. The extract of fresh or dried leaves can be used to prepare some natural mixtures that treat common problems facing your hair.

The herb of Ace is one of the wonderful solutions in the ability to treat hair problems. It helps in increasing hair density and covering the spaces in it. It also contributes to treating scalp diseases such as dandruff, pimples, and poor blood circulation in the scalp. The herb also protects the hair from falling and brittleness by strengthening the follicles. It also helps to soften hair, eliminate roughness, and increase the speed of its growth and length.

In order to use the myrtle herb for hair, put a quantity of it in a bowl of warm water, and leave it for a whole day and night. The next day, filter the water with a piece of cloth to get rid of the entire substance used, then put the extract in a spray bottle. Spray the extract on the hair at night until morning, and you can wash the hair as usual, and it is not necessary to wash it because it does not cause any damage or an unpleasant smell to the hair. In order to protect the scalp.

It is possible to mix some drops of myrtle oil with four tablespoons of jojoba oil or coconut oil, and then massage the scalp with the mixture and leave it for about two hours, preferably from night until morning, wrapping the hair with a towel and then washing it in the morning. The myrtle herb is known for its antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties, so the regular use of myrtle oil on the scalp works to activate and maintain it.

Another recipe for healthy hair, take a handful of myrtle leaves with a handful of rosemary leaves, and then prepare a quantity of boiling water. Put each of the leaves of the myrtle and rosemary in a deep pot, then add the amount of boiling water to the pot, make sure to cover it quickly, and leave it for a whole day. The next day, strain the mixture well through a strainer, and transfer it to a spray bottle. The hair is sprayed 3 times a day with a good massage.

It is recommended to moisturize the hair after that, because this herb causes the hair to dry out a little. Myrtle herb stimulates hair growth and strengthens its follicles. It is an effective treatment for hair loss and damage, as well as treating the voids in the hair for its richness in many nutrients and compounds. Rosemary is effective in maintaining hair and overcoming many hair problems.

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